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Should I Invest Or Save My Money

Many of us are attracted to the investment after knowing its importance and ask us “Should I Invest Or Save My Money”? Of course, investment is always a good option. But, is it correct to choose only one option between the two? Head up to know the right option so that you can start your financial journey correctly.

Save Or Invest:

If you also have a question ‘Is it better to invest or save?’ then read the following points:


When you put your money into saving, there’s high liquidity. Because in saving, you can easily convert your FD, Or RD money into a saving account. But, when we think about investment, there is low liquidity ad investment is done for a long period.


Saving is done for a short period or you can do it for long period, but investing is done for a long time.


This is the fact that even after knowing the importance of investment, many people do not dare to prefer investment. And the reason is the risk factor. There is no risk in saving where investment has high risk.


Even if saving seems good in mentioned points, as compared to the investment, saving does not give a good return. Investment is always best to get a good return.

Should I Invest Or Save My Money:

So, now the question is “Should I Invest Or Save My Money?”. And its answer is very worthy. Firstly, create an emergency fund. This means you save your six months salary. Your six months salary amount should be kept as an emergency fund. Then divide your salary into 50, 30, 20. That means 50% salary for needs, 30% salary for wants, and 20% salary for investment. As like this, you can do investment. So, that you don’t have to face the risk and you will get a good return.

Bottom Line:

You should not choose anyone between both. Both have different importance. We hope, you enjoyed our blog. Get in touch with us for good investment plans.

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